Multi_language website problem

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I set a multilanguage form and added data(en-GB,and zh-CN)?also set prefillers and falang. But no records could be displayed in frontend. Why?
prefilter set.gif
Hmmm, for some reason we replace - with _ for the {lang} placeholder, so it'd be en_GB. I really don't know why we do that, but it's been that way for years.

I'm adding a new {langtag} placeholder which will be the original xx-XX tag with the hyphen, but that's going in the jooml37 branch, so you'll have to wait till I merge that back into master some time in the next week.

-- hugh
Yes, you must update from GitHub to fetch the new code (or wait for the Fabrik3.5.3 release and update via Joomla update).
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