New Calendar Vis - Status?

Do a pull on your end. You should get a conflict message, and it'll mark the differences in your code.

Searching for "<<<<<<< HEAD" in your code is an easy way to find the conflicts.

-- hugh
I think I have made a mess of it Hugh. I did as you suggested and did a pull, not I have 50+ modified files. I did see one conflict file, the minified fullcalendar.js but I don't now how to resolve it.
Yeah, there was a lot of files modified in that commit. Actually there should have been 214.

I'll look at doing this by hand, so you don't have to mess with it. May mean that you'll have to do a reset at your end once I've pushed the changes up, but we'll figure that out when we get there.

-- hugh
OK, it should be merged.

Just for my own notes, here's how ...

// add and fetch the remote repo
git remote add skurvish
git fetch skurvish
// checkout the remote skurvish joomla3 branch into a new local branch
git checkout -b skurvish-fc skurvish/joomla3
// merge the "real" fabrik/joomla3 into the local skurvish-fc branch
git merge joomla3
// Here Be Merge Conflicts. Git tells you the conflicted files. Fix conflicts, then add those files back in ...
git add -a
// Commit the changes ...
git commit -m "merging joomla3"
// switch back to the "real" joomla3 branch
git checkout joomla3
// merge the now fixed skurvish-fc branch back in
git merge --no-ff skurvish-fc
// push it up to github
git push origin joomla3

I'm slowly getting the hang of this stuff!

And just for the benefit of anyone out there googling around for this ...

How to fix merge conflicts on a pull request from a remote fork

-- hugh
If you have issues getting back in sync, what you may have to do at your end (assuming you don't have any uncommitted changes) is reset everything to fabrik/joomla3 ...

git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/joomla3

If you do have changes you don't want to lose, you can commit them to a temporary branch ...

git commit -a -m "Saving stuff"
git branch my-saved-work

... then do the reset, then merge that branch back in.

-- hugh
I'm testing the fullcalender viz a bit and I have some problem with : Status element
When using the fullcalendar viz the value is not added to the event as a class name.
(It works fine if I try the old calendar viz)
OK, I know what the problem is. I need to do some work on my testbed and then I will PR the changes.
I have uploaded the change, waiting for Hugh to merge it. Watch for the merge in the github latest commits, and once merge update from git.
Hi, did an update from github, but I don't see any changes in the fullcalendar viz.The class is : class="fabrikEvent label"
Switching to calendar viz the class is : class="fabrikEvent label company1"
I have also noticed that if I add an 'from date' , lets say 2016-01-18 and an 'to date' 2016-01-19 , the calendar is only showing the event in the fullcalendar viz as 2016-01-18.
This is if 'Show time selector' is set to NO , if this setting is set to YES the fullcalendar is showing the event on both the 18 and 19. (Even if the time in the database is the same 00:00:00)
If I add manually in the database the time to 00:00:01 when the 'Show time selector' is set to NO both the 18 and 19 is marked in the calendar viz.
Is this normal behavier? If so, I need to ad some code to have the default time to 00:00:01 when the Time Selector is hidden.
Se MySite for example.
Yes, I am aware of this issue. I have some work to do on the all-day event processing which will correct this issue at the same time. Probably won't be until Tuesday before I get to it though.
Ok, thanks.
Did you get the class="fabrikEvent label" to work at you site? After github update I still can't see correct class "fabrikEvent label company1"
Is this for the status element? If so it should be working. Make sure you clear your browser cache after update.

If this is not what you mean please explain further.
If you back up to the previous <a> with the class fc-day-grid-event you will see your custom class.
Your totally right, maybe I need some glasses :) Was only looking at the class="fabrikEvent label". Thanks
Andyo, I have committed a number of changes for date handling. Can you update from git and let me know if that solved your problem?
Hi Achartier, I can see that there are changes is the date handling.
After testing and thinking about it, I think the way you have changed it is correct, but for my project i still have some issues.
If you have the 'Show time selector' switched to OFF, the default time is set to 00:00:00
If I add a new event (event 3) with date from 2016-01-18 to 2016-01-19 (se picture 1) , then looking at the calendar, the event is only visible on the date 2016-01-18 (se picture 2) . In my project I would like it to show the event in the calendar both 18 and 19.

Is there a way in the date element to add a default time, when the 'Show time selector' is switched to OFF.

This will solve my problem. Then I can set the default time on the 'From Date' to : 08.00.00 and 'To Date' to 16:00:00


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There is also some issues with the time displayed in the calendar (see pic 3) But maybe you have seen this already.
This is showing
0 Event2
0:05 Event1
1 Test2

I think the correct should be:
00:00 Event2
00:05 Event1
01:00 Test2


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