New Calendar Vis - Status?

Language is ok now.:)
But it's not working with the minified files, with FabrikDebug=no I get
Uncaught ReferenceError: moment is not defined
(wiht DebugJS it's ok)
I have uploaded some new changes to the language stuff and the error is no longer showing, however, it still does not work when FabrikDebug is disabled. Hugh will have a look at this as soon as he gets a chance.
Thanks for all yours works and the sharing.
I'm trying the full calendar visualization (Fabrik from github the 2016/10/28 and Joomla! 3.6.4) in french but in the front end the text is in english not in french. No problem in the backend. No problem with the normal calendar.


Thanks achartier.
It's working now : I have the page in french. But it's a normal behaviour ?

Sorry : I haven't seen the solution provided by Troester in June.