Ordering on column in list issue

Hi, any one having this issue ?
If I config an element to have an "Allow ordering" ... I've a reload windows up my list, in boucle.
I couldn't have this work even if elements are different (field or dropdown).
I've the original template boostrap (without any change) one and same in front and back end, same under all browsher (FF IE G+).
After that I've nomore data into my list :( (Ctrl F5) don't give me any data too !
If I reload my page into a other instance of browsher it's ok again, all data in list are back.
I think the Ordering do the stuff but 1) closed the group 2) don't closed the reload windows, then a refresh => no more data into the list.

I'm under J3 and Git update from (29/05/2013)

For having the reload stop => Ctrl F5 then no more data in list
Seems got an error :
Erreur : TypeError: groupHeading.getElement(...) is null
Fichier Source : http://xxxxxxxx ............. /media/com_fabrik/js/list.js
Ligne : 844
Ok the list with issue is one made and group by a dbjoin.
If I do the same only on the simple list, seems ok (ordering) But I looking for having it's ok with the datajoint too .. is it possible ?
Ok seems nothing attach to the Allow Ordering option ... even if I remove the ordering configuration it's the same, data not showing, even if the counter of raw data is ok under the list ! :( so frustrant !
Ok, seems issue with Navigation Ajaxify + embed in an article. Without this configuration all ordering and pagination stuff are ok ^^
Idea ?
Yup, there's an issue with column ordering, when AJAX'ified and either in a module or embedded in an article. We're working on it, but can't really tell you when we'll have a fix.

-- hugh
I'm working on this as one of my background tasks at the moment, as I have several folk with the same issue. Still can't promise when I'll have a fix, but it's on my radar, and I'm working on it.

-- hugh
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