Package Failure


New Member
Any suggestion on how to resolve this issue?

Upload fabrik_package-testset_inventory.tgz - Upload Failed
ERROR: Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package.
[ Continue ... ]
Upload fabrik_package-testset_inventory.tgz - Failed
Installation file not found:
[ Continue ... ]
If you have exactly the same problem as drogers above, then I suspect you are trying to use Joomla's component installer on the package data, rather than Fabrik's Import button on the table admin page.

-- hugh
No, I wish it was. I exported a package and saw the import option and chose the "upload package files" option. I am using -

Windows NT USUARIO-PC 6.0 build 6000
Database Version: 5.0.45-community-nt
PHP Version: 5.2.5
Web Server: Apache/2.2.6 (Win32) PHP/5.2.5
WebServer to PHP interface: apache2handler
Joomla! Version: Joomla! 1.0.15 Stable [ Daytime ] 22 February 2008 23:00 UTC


Fabrik 1.0.4 created by pollen 8

(I tried the new version but it would install)


i just added a patch to upgrade to in the downloads section.
Please update to that, we really can't support 1.0.4 issues, post back if the problem still remains.
