Problem with cache and "Article form plugin"



When I use the "Article form plugin" and update the content is not updated because the joomla cache activated.

I have seen that this issue has tried before and there was no other solution to clean the cache of joomla. Is there any way to solve this problem from Fabrik using joomla 3.3.3.

I could solve it with this code:
$cache = &JFactory::getCache ('com_content');

in the event:
Yup, it's that second part I was asking about.

I've added that code to the article plugin itself, so we now clean the cache for the article if it is edited. Can you try out the latest code and let me know?

So should be fixed as of this commit:

... although I did another commit right after, when I noticed the little strict / code standard issues that need fixing.

-- hugh

I found that really does not update the cache joomla article; only updates the content of the article when I am logged on the frontend (hence my confusion); when I logout the article is restored with the content that had the cache.
You can clean the cache with the following code:
$ cache = & JFactory :: getCache ('com_content');
$ cache-> clean ();
This way it works.

But I ran into another problem, it seems the "article plugin" does not work from the backend. I say this because not call method "saveAritcle".

Any idea what could be the problem?

Yes, calling this method "saveAritcle"; the problem is "$ cache-> clean ();" seems not clean the cache when used from the backend; may be a permissions problem? My user is inherited MANAGER.
I could access the front-end cahe using the following code:

$conf = JFactory::getConfig();
$options = array(
'defaultgroup'=> '',
'storage'=> $conf->get('cache_handler', ''),
'caching'=> true,
'cachebase'=> JPATH_ROOT . '/cache'
$cache = JCache::getInstance('', $options);

If I am logged into the backend also deletes the cache front-end; although I need to do to clean the cache of a single item.