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Problem with Form and juser Plugin


New Member
Hello, i have used the juser plugin for a form i have created.
In the form i have a select element that the user can select in wich joomla user group they will belong. The user can select between two values (???? & ????).
When a user has selected both values and have been assigned to both user groups and an admin tries to edit this record they see only one value selected in the form layout although you can see both values selected in the list layout.
I have noticed that the form keeps selected only the value/user group that is selected in the field Default user group that is located in the juser form plugin options.
The Form is Called ????. The element that the user select the usergroup he wants to belong is called ????? ??????.
Any ideas why this is happening?
Thank you in advance.
I did some work recently on this, using the usergroup element, and fixed the issue with it removing previous assignments. But I need to do some more work to make it work with checkbox elements.

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You must use the usergroups element if you want to have multiple groups.
Indeed it works with the usergroups element but it shows all the user groups available (Registered, Public, Administrator etc). I need to be able to display only 2 custom user groups that i have created. Any way to accomplish that?