• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

Querystring with LIMIT?

I know that &order_by is an option in a querystring. How about &limit=?

I'm dealing with a huge database, and it sure would be nice.
That should be handled automatically for any list display, using the nav limits specified in the list settings. We don't do any unonstrained queries. What is the specific scenario you need to specify your own limits for?

-- hugh
That does work to just present a limited number of results. My problem is that I'm dealing with a very large number of records, nearly a million. I'm trying to access it around the edges to keep load times from becoming infinite. It seems when I use the rows per page and no nav buttons solution, the site is still taking a long time to organize pages of results even though they won't be displayed. I thought that if I could order and limit the search to a reasonable number of results by means of the querystring, I might be able to get around this issue.
We never select more than the LIMIT rows, all we do is use SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS in the main query, which tells us how many rows would have been selected without the LIMIT. It's a MySQL feature specifically designed for handling display pagination, so you don't have to do a separate query to count the total rows.

However ... SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS can be slow on very large tables, especially if you have joined data. Do you have any list joins? If you do have joined data, you can disable the use of SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS by setting the joins to "merge" mode.

Another thing you can try is turning off use of DISTINCT in the advanced list settings.

Another thing to watch for is if you have any join elements which you use as list filters. Setting those to "all data" mode (as opposed to "recorded data") can speed things up on large lists.

It's also possible that you may be missing some indexes. We do our best to create indexes for any fields that need them, for example anything used in an ORDER BY or GROUP BY, or anything used in a join element, or anything used as a filter, etc. But in certain corner cases you may need to create an index or two by hand. The ony way to find that out is to capture the main list query, by enabling Fabrik Debug (in the global options) and appending &fabridebug=1 to your list URL, then you'll see the main query as the getData debug output. Copy and paste that into phpMyAdmin (or whatever) and "explain" it, which will show you if there are any missing indexes.

-- hugh