RokBox and Fabrik conflicts

They are both including mootools.js. Luckily we are both using the same version, so you could try forcing Fabrik not to load it, asusming you have rokbox on every page Fabrik is used on. Easiest way to test would be to rename the com_fabrik/libs/mootools111.js to something else. You'll get errors in your web logs, but if this works we can do it the "right" way.

Try that, see what happens.

-- hugh

I renamed the mootools111.js file to mootools111ALT.js.

Nothing has changed. I've cleared my cache...

I'm looking in the error_log file and I don't see anything for today.
Javascript problems typically don't show up in your server error logs, as they are on the client side.

Well, I guess the next choice is to do away with rokbox, and use something like HighSlide instead.

-- hugh
Fabrik 1.0.x is using HighSlide in J! 1.0.x just fine. To see how it works, change your config setting to use it (I think we are set to use Slimbox by default). Then view the source of any Fabrik table/form with thumbnails on it.

I'm sure we could then finagle it to load the HS files from your site template rather than from Fabrik, so it would be available on other pages.

-- hugh
Hmmm...I only saw HighSlide available for download for J 1.5.

At any rate, I just took the Fabrik contact form off that page and made my own and made use of the wrapper component.
