Save as copy and multi select error?

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Hi All,

got an odd behaviour in Fabrik and had a look through the forums but cant seem to find any mention of it. Behaviour as follows:

I have some records with a database join rendered as a multi-select so users can create a record and link it to several others.
I added the Save As Copy button to the form so that existing records can be cloned to save time for the users.
The records are saved and appear at the back of the list BUT when I go into a record all of the selections from the multi select are gone. I checked the database and it looks like the pivot table fabrik creates is not updated when a record is added using the Save As Copy button.

Any one seen this behaviour or know if this is expected or not?

Oh and system is J 2.5.6 and Fabrik 3.0.6


Polite cough


anyone got any ideas, I get the same behaviour on my test system also.


I think it's not expected behaviour but a bug in multiselect dbjoin handling.
I can remember issues with the list copy plugin, too, but I can't find my post about it (and I didn't test recently so I don't know if there has been an improvement)
Save copy and multi select bug

thanks for the post. I cant see how it would be normal behaviour but I just dont like shouting "bug". I will turn on all the debugging and see if it offers me any help in figuring out where exactly the copy is failing to trigger creation of the linked records in the pivot table.

Sorry, got bogged down with some other issues.

I'm looking at the code now. I'm pretty sure this is just one of those cases where we haven't yet coded that in, rather than it being a bug, per se.

-- hugh
As it involved some changes to the core join saving code, just be on the lookout for any weird behavior with saving joins of any sort.

I was pretty careful, and am as sure as I can be that I haven't introduced any unexpected side effects, but that chunk of code gets deep.

-- hugh
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