saving element resetting auto increment bug


Active Member
I'm using Joomla 1.0.15 and Fabrik 1.0.5 rev. (837)

I usually create my tables in phpMyAdmin and then add the tables into fabrik and setup the forms, elements etc...

Here's the bug (or what I think is a bug):

If I open up the element that I had set, in phpMyAdmin, to be the primary key, and I click save, it edits the column, making it not auto-increment and making it a varchar(255). I noticed this when I was going through some new tables and setting the table keys to be hidden.

Which reminds me...I was thinking a useful feature would be to have a button on the top of the elements page (next to 'Remove from Table View') that could make several elements hidden at once, in the same way you can check several elements and remove them from table view at once.

Thanks for the hard work guys!
Hi Nathan

Could well be a bug, I'll take a look tomorrow.
In the meantime you can always tell Fabrik to not update the element types of exisiting elements.
To do this edit /administrator/components/com_fabrik/configuration.php and change

$fbConf_alter_existing_db_cols = '1';


$fbConf_alter_existing_db_cols = '0';

Hey Rob,

Setting $fbConf_alter_existing_db_cols = '0' made it so the type doesn't change to varchar(255) when the element is saved, and it also made it so saving didn't take away the auto_increment. So, as far as I'm concerned that fixed the problem, thanks!
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