See complete email in PDF export



I have tried your proposal to see the complete email in a PDF export, adding

To the top of the PDF template.

I have tried in the default.php and default_group.php, at the the top or just in the first php instruction, or others... but without success...

Can you help me ?

Thank you !

Thank you, I have done, but no changes...

Maybe I did not understand very well where I have to put in my detail view template:

What about you ?
What Rob is saying is that you don't need to put that in your template any more. Fabrik will insert it automatically when rendering a PDF detail template.

Have you updated to the latest github?

-- hugh
Emm..., did you only update this one file?
Usually you should do a complete GitHub update, no cherry picking.
Here in this case I think it's ok (this change seems to be very "local").
I had just changed the only line mentioned, but I had just updated the complete file helpers/html.php, without change.

Do you think I must update all Fabrik ? Can I solve this just updating some file related to this problems ?

Indeed, I do not like the idea to update Fabrik at this moment.
I'm not sure that updating will help.
The commit is only adding {emailcloak=off} to your text - which you had done before manually and this wasn't working, too.
If you don't need email cloaking on your site you can disable the plugin "Content - Email Cloaking"
No, I need it on other lists. It is a good security no ?

I want hide email fields in export PDF, it is more simple.

But... I can hide a field in the main table of a list, hide a field in a joined table, but not a field from a joined repeatable table...

I use this code:
if ($element->id == 'projets___email_user_submit_ro' && $this->elements['email_user_submit']) {continue;} >>>OK, main table
if ($element->id == 'rohm_users___email_ro' && $this->elements['email']) {continue;}>>>OK, a joined table, 1 to 1
if ($element->id == 'participants___email_ro' && $this->elements['email']) {continue;}>>>Problem, a joined table, 1 to many

Is there a special code in PDF template for this kind of relation?
Well the commit is working ok for me.
I would suggest creating a test copy of your site and fully updating Fabrik. Whilst I understand the difficulty in managing change and updates to components, Its pretty much impossible for us to support you if you are not running the same version of all the files.
Yes I understand, I will do !

I will do the official update, in Joomla admin, then I will download the zip here and replace my FTP files.

Is it OK to be sure to have the latest version well updated ? I am not really familiar with Git...
yes that is the correct way to update from github. The wiki has a whole page related to how to perform this process.
ok there were a couple of bugs that were fixed in between me updating stuff, you adding the files and then Hugh fixing my mistakes.
I've updated your SAVE/ site with the new code and that link's PDF button creates a pdf. However, i don't see any email data on that page...?
Is there a URL with email data we can test?
Hi, thanks but I suspect my SAVE website to be corrupted. I will redo the backup, and updates.

For the moment, I have always no email data in list which contain emails, but wait, I will retry.

Detail in other ticket, because in another website, with other template but same Joomla and Fabrik, I have not this problems, just problems about icons:

It is two problems linked no ? Maybe it is more simple that I open a new ticket after my retry, and to close the two old tickets...

No, with all this commits, and advices... I go to do a new backup and updates all my system (Joomla and Fabrik).

Thanks for all !!!
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