See who has rated an item

How do you want to rate an item?
Who can rate: anybody, only logged in users?
You may log the user id or the IP (there's an IP element).
I am using the rating plugin for registered users. I want to somehow create a link on a record to show who has rated that record.
Do you want this in list view, or details view, or both? And when you say "create a link on a record to show who has rate", you mean you want to click a link, and either have a popup window or go to another page, that lists all the users who have rated?

The rating data is stored in a table called #_fabrik_ratings (where #_ is your J! database prefic), one row per individual rating, which stores (among other things), the form id, row id, and user id of the person who rated.

So ... one would have thought you could simply build a Fabrik list on top of it, and use a custom links to a standard Fabrik filtered view of that list. But unfortunately, it doesn't have a single numeric Primary Key, it has a composite key (using the list id, rowid, form id, user id and element id). And Fabrik doesn't "do" composite keys for Lists.

So ... the only way I can think of to do this would be with some custom code.

How many individual users / ratings are you anticipating? In other words, how long would that list of "who has rated" typically be? Just a ballpark. Are we talking tens, hundreds, or thousands?

-- hugh
basically - i want to create a list that shows which users have rated entries from another form/list - if that makes sense.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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