Self Updating Address Book List


I need to create an address book that has all the fields in Juser - that would seem to be a set of databasejoins

However, I really need the table to keep itself updated so that it is a reference for other fabrik functions

So user gets added to juser & now appears automatically in a cnr_users table - how do I build a list that has all the relevant fields and is immediately sync'd & does not need an admin to manually copy across?


I can't see that this plugin is what I need ....

Think I am going about this the wrong way - my users are in J! and defined in an internal db table cnr_users - I dont need to change the way that they are logged in - just to be able to build a Fabrik list from cnr_users that is up to date and shows relevant fields like name, email etc

Once I have this then I can use this as an "address book" with Fabrik email list plugin (which is the real purpose of the activity)

Ideas please

If you don't want to edit the Joomla users via Fabrik you can just create a Fabrik list with #_users as database table. make sure to set 'alter fields'=no in list's Advanced settings and no edit/add/delete access in list access settings

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I must be doing something very obvious (& wrong)

If I build a new list (profiles) which has 2 elements (name & email) - both dbjoins (which must be checkbox/dropdown etc) to the #_users table then the list does not "see" all the users automatically???!!

I can press add & build the list manually person by person - but that doesn't scale well

No, create a new list and select #_users in the list's Data tab as zable.

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Just remember to set "alter fields" to No once the list is created, as per previous post, to prevent Fabrik from trying to alter the structure of the J! users table.

-- hugh
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