Show Form to Public but Submit by logged in users


Is there a way I can show the Form to Public but it can only be submitted by registered/logged in users ? If not logged in they will be redirected to login page when they click Submit button...
Hmmm, not built in, no. If you set the lists "edit" ACL to Public, they will be able to submit.

You could do it with a PHP plugin, running onBeforeProcess, which does something like ...

$myUser = JFactory::getUser();
if ($myUser->guest) {

Although as a user I'd be a bit miffed if I filled out a form and submitted it only to be told I couldn't do it. Probably better to do that onLoad, in a PHP plugin, and do the same thing, so it redirects them when they try and load the form, not when they submit it, and doesn't sucker them into filling out a form they don't have access to.

-- hugh
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