Single user register view a specific form for him


New Member

Pardon by the language?. :(

I need to create a view so that single it sees a user it in special. This can be obtained ?.

The user could not be administrator. Single user to register but with view to a menu and a special table for him.

Can be obtained this with Fabrik?

I strongly suggest you upgrade to the latest SVN version of 1.0.6. See my sig for details about SVN.

Also, on reading your question again, I'm not entirely sure I understand it. Can you write your question in your native language? I can then use Google to translate it.

-- hugh
Aqu? va mi pregunta en Spanish


Ok. Lo explico en espa?ol.

En mi aplicaci?n existen 2 tipos de usuarios.

1 - El usuario registrado que puede ver el formulario de sus datos personales (curriculum).
2 - El administrador que puede publicar las b?squedas laborales y ver los datos de todos los usuarios registrados.

Ahora quisiera ingresar un tercer grupo de usuarios: Empresas, que podr?an ver algunos datos de los usuarios registrados (no todos) y no ver el men? de usuario que puede ver el administrador.

Espero que se entienda.

This is Google's translation:

Hello, Ok. As explained in Spanish. In my application there are 2 types of users. 1 - The registered user who can see the form of your personal data (curriculum). 2 - The administrator who can post job searches and view data for all users registered. Now I would like to enter a third group of users: Companies that could see some data of registered users (not all) and not see the user menu that you can see the manager. I hope you will understand. Thanks. Fabi?n.

I'm pretty sure I understand most of that, the only part I'm not sure about is the very last bit, "not see the user menu that you can see the manager".

But yes, this should be easy enough. For the 'company' view, I would create a new Fabrik Table, and select the 'curriculum' table. This should essentially 'clone' the form/groups/elements you have on the curriculum table. You can then edit the elements you don't want them to see, and unpublish them. When you first edit those elements, you'll have to select the checkbox to tell Fabrik to break the 'child/parent' relationship. And of course you can set the access permissions in this Table/Form so the companies can only read, not edit/create.

-- hugh
Excelente !!!

Eso es lo que yo quer?a !!!!
Muchas Gracias !!!
Es m?s f?cil de lo que pensaba...
