Slideshow not resizing and not playing! and linkproblem


After update to the 3.9 version of fabrik, the slideshow is not resizing the images in the slideshow as set in the visualization. Also the slideshow is not shifting images at all?? How do I get rid of those red pagination buttons in the slideshow ??


Before I was able to link the image to the fabrik form of that image with this code:
$pic_opts['href'] = str_replace("formid=2","formid=1",$pic->fabrik_view_url);
$pic_opts['href'] = str_replace("details/2","details/1",$pic_opts['href']);
$pic_opts['href'] = str_replace("?Itemid=101","",$pic_opts['href']);
$pic_opts['href'] = str_replace("component/fabrik","brugte-fremhaevet",$pic_opts['href']);
instead of this line:
$pic_opts['href'] = $slideElement->getStorage()->getFileUrl($k, 0);

in the file /plugins/fabrik_visualization/slideshow/models/slidsehow.php

this does not work anymore ???
From which version did you update?
Did you update all plugins?
Did you clear Joomla and browser cache?
Updated from previous version - latest stable
Everything is updated
Cleared all cache
Width om the slideshow is 400 px and not 178 as set in settings for the slideshow.
Your hacks in Fabrik core files are overriden if you are updating.

Red next/prev buttons:
You can create a custom template in plugins\fabrik_visualization\slideshow\views\slideshow\tmpl\
I know that my hacks are overwritten, but when I add them again - they do not work as they did in the recent plugin...
As I said:
Create a custom viz template.
There you can add the missing <a and I think you can do your href hack there, too, so no need to override Fabrik core.
I'm working on the slideshow atm.

I didn't have much choice about updating the slideshow viz to use a different plugin, as the slideshow2 one we were using hasn't been updated in about 6 years, and there were some issues with it and recent changes in J!. So I had to pick a new plugin to use and go with it in a hurry.

I'll work on the image resizing and autoplay now.

-- hugh
But I wonder: How could I get the URL to the form of the shown image, when none of theese objects from the model contains it ??
$this->showFilters = $model->showFilters();
$this->filters = $this->get('Filters');
$this->filterFormURL = $this->get('FilterFormURL');
$this->params = $model->getParams();
$this->containerId = $this->get('ContainerId');
$this->slideData = $model->getImageJSData();
As I said:
Create a custom viz template.
There you can add the missing <a and I think you can do your href hack there, too, so no need to override Fabrik core.
Additionally as a workaround and as you know how to hack, you can add
in slideshow.js around line 50
(and create then slideshow-min.js)
I am not really shure about how to create the slideshow-min.js ? I have entered the autoplay:true, in slideshow.js
I still do not know how to get the form id of the images to create a link to the form in the view template of the slideshow - I have done a var_dump on all the available objects, but do not seem to find it anyhwere ?
I still do not know how to get the form id
Not sure what you mean. In your first post you are doing this via str_replace.
Minify JS:
There are online tools.
Or you can just copy slideshow.js to slideshow-min.js (this way it's not minified but a "min" file will be found).
As I said these are hacks.
I found the min.js creator online - but - the hack does not work. The show does not play ??
Regarding the id - in my earlier hack I had the id from this in the model: $pic->fabrik_view_url - but this is not available in the view template as i see it ?? Or is it ??
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