[SOLVED] Error accessing a file


Active Member
I have a form to upload files. Elements using Ajax Upload work fine, but I'm using in a repeating group the standard file upload version. Files are uploaded and I can access the files in the Edit mode of the form. But in the details view (for end users) I get an error similiar described as in this thread http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?threads/there-was-an-error-accessing-the-requested-file.43818/
Just updated to the newest github version, but problem persists. Accessing the file from the backend doesn't give any error message at all..just nothing happens.
Did some research to find out what causes this error to occur and found out, that the fileupload.php version of the 10th of February seems to be ok, but the changes of Cheesegrits on the 11th of February (Added query string layout for list custom css) causes the download to fail for fileupload elements with download script enabled in repeating groups.
I compared the above mentioned versions and in consequence I made some changes to the fileupload.php, which seem to solve my problem, even if I'm not sure it will cause problems elsewhere. I will see.
        //if ($this->getGroupModel()->canRepeat())
            $filePath = FArrayHelper::getValue($filePath, $repeatCount);

      //$filePath    = FArrayHelper::getValue($filePath, $ajaxIndex);
  $filePath  = $storage->getFullPath($filePath);
In fact I just commented out some lines (starting line 3044)...
Thanks for the input on this one. I had to do a couple of other things to fix it, but what you spotted was the underlying issue.

-- hugh