SOLVED: Problem with id element - list unaccessable

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Hi, cannot make site mirror now, but also the current one is giving the error, if you try for example to edit list "Seadmete hooldusplaan" element ordering.

This is getting really critical as my client needs to have access to this data for some audit.

One more thing if it might help. The problem is not probably server related as my main site is on windows server and test site on linux server.

Thanks in advance!
I really have no idea what is going on with your elements/columns in the DB.
How is the id column defined (structure in phpMyAdmin) in your plastone_tootmisseadmed_hooldusplaan table?
Is it the primary key?
Did you reset it to autoincrement (it doesn't seem so)?

Can you post a screenshot of your plastone_tootmisseadmed_hooldusplaan structure in the DB (all columns)?
Hi, after being in a fever quite a long time, i'm now back (unfortunately :) ). I have mirrored my site now to the public server (login data in my sites).
I also added PhpMyadmin credentials to My Sites section. So you should now have access to all possible places.

Can you please check the issue.

I can see what is going on:

in plastone_fabrik_lists the list 139 has the db_primary_key set to 4890 (which is the elementID of your id element) instead of

Your database is totally screwed up - your tables are missing primary keys, no indexes set etc. (not only Fabrik tables but nearly all ones).

After adding a PK to plastone_fabrik_lists I could edit the the db_primary_key manually but this didn't help, it's still trying to set column 4890 and is resetting the db_primary_key to this column name.

This may be related to the missing PKs in other tables or to the fact that you are not running a recent Fabrik version which is necessary for Joomla3.4+

I additionally added a PK to plastone_tootmisseadmed_hooldusplaan.
I copied plastone_fabrik_list to plastone_fabrik_list_copy (and plastone_tootmisseadmed_hooldusplaan to plastone_tootmisseadmed_hooldusplaan_copy) before doing any changes on PKs and trying to save the list etc.
So you can reset.
Thanks! Upgraded to latest Github and the problem is solved after setting primary key in list settings :)
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