SOS: list and form popups no longer work


I have a form with a databasejoin element with the popup form selected option and select frontend option. If the item databasejoin goes to an element of an old table in my database, popups normally open with the table and the form. If the databasejoin is going to a list recently created with fabrik the two fabrik popups are empty with only the title of the table and the form.
But there is worse:
If I open administration forms and tables created long ago and if I backup again, they do not appear in popups and behave as those created recently !!
It appears that it is the opening and then saving in administration tables and forms that causes these errors.

This is with which EXACT Fabrik and Joomla versions?

Any updates/changes recently (from which old to which new version)? php version, Joomla version, Fabrik download or Joomla updater or GitHub update, new or updated 3rd party components/plugins/templates?

Is it showing wrong data or is the data missing in the DB?
Is it only with popups (-> JS errors)?
Thank you very much for your quick response.
1/ Fabrik 3.0.9 an joomla 2.5.28
2/ Last github Fabrik update 2015-03-19
3/ If I edit the configuration of an old form (which works in the popup) in administrator side then I backup without changing, it no longer works in the popup and only the title without without the data appears in the popup.
Moreover by comparing the database before and after I see the id of the corresponding formgroup has changed in the table #_fabrik_formgroup and took the highest number.
Is this normal?
After having edited the form in administration and have saved, the only change in the database is in #_fabrik_forms in the fields "intro" and "params".
The fields "intros" change from
<div> & nbsp; </ div>
<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional // EN"!"">\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n</head>\r\n<body>\r\n<div>&nbsp;</div>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>'

and idem in params contains "outro":

"<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \\" - \\ / \\ / \\ W3C / \\ / DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional \\ / \\ / \\ IN "\\"http:\\/\\/\\/TR\\/xhtml1\\/DTD\\/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\\">\\r\\n<html>\\r\\n<head>\\r\\n<\\/head>\\r\\n<body>\\r\\n<div>&nbsp;<\\/div>\\r\\n<\\/body>\\r\\n<\\/html>"
As Troester asked, have there been any there been any other changes on your site? We haven't touched the 3.0 code for ages, and certainly nothing which I would expect to cause this.

Most likely candidate would be a change in the WYSIWYG editor you use?

Try editing one of those again and toggle your editor to simple, text only mode.

-- hugh
It was indeed a problem with the JCE editor specifically with the plugin JCE FullPage. I uninstalled the plugin FullPage and everything works.

Thank you very much.

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