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Sql conditions for email list plugin stopped working with the last official update



My config:
Fabrik 3.3.3
Joomla! 3.4.4
Template - Protostar
Updated from github
Access to site admin in my Fabrik account

Sql conditions for email list plugin are not working any more. I noticed this when installed the last official update from Fabrik... already updated from GitHub but problem persists.

When using any type of condition it will generate an incorrect query for the list.

Please advise. Thanks
Just noticed that also the option "Hide Subject" has an issue... the sow/hide is inverted... Is showing when we select "No" and hiding when we select "Yes"!!!
I've merged that commit - thanks Troester! I think its a recent change that Hugh added so hopefully little backwards compatibility issues

I've just made a github update and the email list plugin are not working again!! Don't know why! I've tried to remove the SQL condition but problem persists.

It seams to exist a bug within the Fabrik code for this function.

Please help me.
Last edited:
Hi Rob,

What I've noticed is that is only sending emails when Mail Merge is set to "no". When I set it to "yes" it returns "0 emails sent"..."1 emails not sent"!

Sorry for the lack of information in the previous post :)
I don't think this is related to the issue above.
Was Merge=yes working before the update?
What are your plugin settings?
Hi Troester,

Yes before these last updates (Fabrik official and github) it was working like it is.

My Config

SQL Condition: data_liquidacao='0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND estado='Realizada'
Use WYSIWYG Editor:no
Send All:no

Send from user:no
From/Reply-to: facturacao@fisiolar.pt

Email or SMS: Email
Recipient method: Single
Get email address from: Defined in 'email to...
Email to: {fb_sessoes_fisioterapia___email_clt}
Email field display: Hidden
Hide subject: Yes

Exmo(a). Sr(a)...

Template: None
Content template: Email List Plugin (Aviso Pagamento)
Allow attachments:no

Merge emails: yes

Message preamble:
<table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0">

Message postamble
Relembramos que o pagamento do tratamento deve ser realizado semanalmente, ? data da ?ltima sess?o ocorrida. Assim sendo, agradecemos a r...

Update: Notifica??o de Pagamento
Update value: Pagamento
Update: Data de Notifica??o de Pagamento
Update value: now()

Hope it helps...
Try with
Email to: {fb_sessoes_fisioterapia___email_clt_raw}

{fb_sessoes_fisioterapia___email_clt} may contain a "mailto:..." or a link to details which are no valid email addresses
Hi Troester,

It worked! ;)

Now the only problem is that "Email field display: Hidden" is not hiding the email feild!!

Email field display is working on my site (hidden, readonly, editable).
The "Hide subject" option is inverted.
Sorry! I was editing the plugin from a copied list and not from the original one.

The only bug is the "Hide subject" option is inverted.

Thanks for all your help!