Star Rating element - is it working?


New Member
I cant seem to make sense of what the rating element plugin is supposed to do. There is a whole bunch of documentation that describes the configuration of it but nothing that says how it should function.
I have multiple ratings on my site but am not sure if a user can submit a rating from the details view and have it contribute to the average of all others who click to rate.
I have the elements configured as: published in list view (hidden with css) use row as class, Mode is user rating, rate in form (yes), access is public, and dtails/calculations is set to Average.
is a link to one listing in details. You can see that you can mouseover and click to select stars but the ratings dont remain after refresh.
Thanks in advance for any advise as to how to get users to be able to contribute to ratings.

It looks like you only have a go back button and not submit. The "star" or ratings will not save until submitted. The rest of you "form" looks like it is just text (information).... so maybe what you want is a Fabrik form in a module with it's own submit button to set the stars/ratings. Do this is like creating any other Joomla module - you just pick Fabrik form as the type and then position it where you want (replacing where you have the ratings now).

That would give you a mini "form" withing your current page containing only the ratings and its own submit button, which based on what you said and what I saw on your link is what it sounds like you are trying to do. If not please let us know and we'll try to help further.
Thanks, but this is a details view not a form view. I wouldn't expect to have a submit button there? I cnt figure out why the stars allow me to mouse over and select a rating if I cant save that somehow?
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