Strange permission issue.


I have a form (user profile) that uses the autofill plugin, Hugh got it working for me a couple of months back, which worked perfectly, thanks Hugh.

But now After doing more work on the form when we enter the phone number all the users info is imported as expected, except the Name field. It used to work for all allowed users, but now it only works for superusers.

Authors and managers can see the title and box & pull in all the other info but the name does not fill in any more for them. The element access is set like the other ones. I can't figure out what's wrong.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what could have happened?
I can't think of anything obvious to check offhand.
Is this on your "Eat local" site - if so which form is it on?
I really can't work out which form you mean, and I don't think I have a non-admin login to test it with.

Can you find me on Skype again, and walk me through the issue.

-- hugh
have you tried loading the site with a default Joomla template, your rsbarron one seems to be loading in a second version of jquery at the top of the page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/templates/rsbaron/js/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/templates/rsbaron/js/jquery/jquery-noconflict.js"></script>
which might be causing this js error
require.js:8 Uncaught Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module: function ( $ ) {
factory( $, root, doc );
return $.mobile;
I had to switch the forms to use Protostar template to get them to work at all, even the map visualization doesn't work with the baron template for some reason. We had that 2nd jquery showed up when Hugh first got it to work, but he wasn't sure what was causing it.

I never did find you on Skype before Hugh but I can, how do I find you there and when is a good time? Sorry I didn't get back w/you on Saturday, I didn't get an email when you added your message and didn't check till tonight.

I was going to add a login for you but I can't seem to edit the sites page. Can I email it to you?
Ack phfft, just found I reply I never hit send on:

You can try our live chat link on the main home page, although I've been having problems staying logged in to that, it keeps disconnecting me, even though it looks to me like I'm logged in.

On Skype, I'm 'cheesegrits', hugh dot messenger at gmail dot com, which is the email to use for me.

-- hugh
The problem is the

Even with "include jquery" turned off, there;s another option in the template, something to do with menus on tablets, which includes ... which does what is called an "anonymous define". And because that's being included AFTER Fabrik includes require.js, it causes a conflict.

I turned that other option off in your template, which "fixes" it, but I don't know if you have to have that option or not for your users.

I think the only way for this to be reliably fixed, if you do need that option, is for the template devs to make sure they include all their JS file BEFORE any applications (like fabrik) include anything.

I ahd a quick look at their code, and I think it would be possible, if they did a little juggling of when they run some of their code when setting up the template.

Alternatively, we might look at seeing if we can arrange it so require.js is always incldued last ...

-- hugh
And for the autofill ...

The problem wa sthat you had a pre-filter on the 'delivery profile' field which was restricting access to "userid = {$my-id}", i.e. so users can only see their own profile addresses. But your delivery form is being filled in by the restaurant, not the user. So when the autofill runs and tries to look up the row for a given user (phone number) ... it couldn't, because the restaurant user didn't have access to see the customer's row.

As per our Skype chat, you resolved it by bypassing the pre-filter for restaurant users.

-- hugh
Yes, this worked for me.

So far testing the tablets seemed to work fine with that template option turned off, so for now it is "fixed".

Thanks for your help.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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