Style cells in a list

Hi guys,

Is it possible to style certain cells in a list?

I have a list where I would like on certain condition to style several columns in a single row with a red(ish) background indicating a problem. Something like the attached screenshot

In this case then cells are colored red if the date in C doesn't match the date in A. Same concept.

Best regards,
No simple way to do that. We have a 'use as row class' setting on elements, where you can add the value of that element as a class name on the row, but that won't work for your case, of comparing one value against another.

The only "simple" way I could think of would be to add a calc element, which compares the two elements, and returns 'red' (or whatever) if they are different, and set "use as row class" on that.

Then add a custom_php.css on your template which defines the class.

Other than that, you'd have to either do it in JS or a custom template, neither of which are trivial.

-- hugh
Hi Hugh,

Thanks! The "use as row class" applies to the entire row and is applied to the <tr>, doesn't it? We were hoping that we could apply it only to part of the list, but if we have to use the entire row, we can do that :)

Best regards,
You can use it for single cells only by additionally using the cell class (= full element name), somthing like td.your-element {background:some-color;}

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