SUM - Repeteable group + condicional


i'm usign jomla 3.8.3 and fabrik 3.8

i have a form named CAT-curriculum-administracio

and 3 repeteable groups in this form.. named

cat-curriculum-administracio-annex-3 dades

in each group there is one element named " percentage prova % " is a dropdown with values from 0-95

i would like to sum this 3 elements if are not repeteable or "X" if are repeteable and the result show in the element "% confirmacio percentage (1)"

show in group


and in the total SUM element should be a conditional like this :

if "yes" the sum of all the non possible repeteable groups the number is = 100 .. show

"100 % is correct "

If "not" the sum of all the non possible repeteable groups the number is <100 or >100.. show

" 95% or 105% is not correct. check again"

for the sum of all repeteable groups i have use..

i have seen in other post.. this code.. and i used.. but doesn?t work .. the sum is not correct.

in the calcul box

return array_sum($data['cat_curriculum_administraci_135_repeat___percentatge_prova_Annex_1_raw'])
+ array_sum($data['cat_curriculum_administraci_138_repeat___percentatge_prova_Annex_2_raw'])
+ array_sum($data['cat_curriculum_administraci_140_repeat___percentatge_prova_Annex_3_raw']);

in the ajax revision


and i have found other conditional code like this..

calcul box

if {(cat_curriculum_administraci_135_repeat___percentatge_prova_Annex_1_raw) +
(cat_curriculum_administraci_138_repeat___percentatge_prova_Annex_2_raw) +
(cat_curriculum_administraci_140_repeat___percentatge_prova_Annex_3_raw)=100}{return 'Perfecte 100% percentatge';
return'Percentatge NO es correcte'

in the ajax box


i think is a mix between both codes.. because i think the second code doesn?t work because for SUM
non repeteable groups.. you must use in fabrik 3 array function..

i would like see the calculation when you change any value before to save if is posible.

if you can tell me which code will works.. will be perfect


Last edited:
Now i found some code and is working..

in calcul element / more

calcul box

$sum = array_sum($data['cat_curriculum_administraci_135_repeat___percentatge_prova_Annex_1'])
+ array_sum($data['cat_curriculum_administraci_138_repeat___percentatge_prova_Annex_2'])
+ array_sum($data['cat_curriculum_administraci_140_repeat___percentatge_prova_Annex_3']);

$text = " <STRONG><FONT COLOR=\"#46a546\">" . $sum . "% CORRECTE </FONT></STRONG>";
} else {
$text = " <STRONG><FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">" . $sum . "% INCORRECTE </FONT></STRONG>";

return $text;

button -- > only calcul to save --> green
button--> Ajax calcul --> green

in Fields Ajax to revise


you can close this item!

Couple of things ...

I check that calc element, and you were starting it with a +=, like ...

$sum += array_sum($data['cat_curriculum_administraci_116_repeat___merits_experiencia_profesional']);

That will actually throw a PHP warning, as $sum doesn't exist at that point. Using += is shorthand for "$foo = $foo + $something", so $foo has to exist. So you need to do ...

$sum = 0;
$sum += array_sum($data['cat_curriculum_administraci_116_repeat___merits_experiencia_profesional']);

Also, for elements in repeat groups, don't add the _X to it, either when referncing it in $data['whatever'] or with a {whatever} placeholder. Fabrik will automagically know about the repeat suffix.

-- hugh
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