[SVN327] Filter issues [SOLVED]

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[SVN 327]


I'm having some issues with the filter functionality that probably has to do with how the filter input is stored through the session. I don't know how it really works or why it needs to be stored, but it creates some weird situations in my case.

The following things can be tested on http://jaume.cristobalmora.de/index.php?option=com_fabrik&Itemid=33

1. If you enter a keyword like say, "internet", you will get the desired results. If you then go somewhere else, and later on go back to that same link, you will see the same result, again filtered by the word "internet". I understand thats how the filtering works throughout a session, but I'm not sure that is the behavior a user would expect from a site. I would expect to see the complete list again...
Is there a way to change this behavior? I also tried to create a reset button that would empty the text field and submit it, but it would only get in conflict with the other existing submit button. Any ideas?

2. Second problem is worse. Here is a link to the detailed view of an entry in the same table as above (I use them as direct links to the detailed view from the front page), and it should show some info in four columns (if it doesn't, reset the filter and try again, and read below):

If I try to click on the same link after filtering by a keyword that DOESN'T match the entry title, it wont show anything! So for instance, let's say a user filter the table by typing "internet". He gets the desired result and then decides to go to the front page, and then tries to click on a link that should take him to the detailed view of an entry that doesn't contain the word "internet", it won't show any info at all. If he clears the filter field first, and tries to do the same, it WILL show. How can I avoid this? Is there a better way to create direct links to detailed views? Can I clear the filter keyword being used in the session?

(to test what I just described above, go to front page (http://jaume.cristobalmora.de/index.php) try the three links under the 4th box labeled "DESTACATS". The first two links (Xarxes and Acreditació ECDL) goes to entries that DOESN'T have "internet" in their title, the third link (Alfabetització Digital) does. So depending on what you have filtered previously it will work... or not.

Sorry for the long post, i tried to get to the point as fast as possible. I'm not even sure it is a bug or just me not doing it properly. Anyway, hope it makes sense :)

Re: Filter issues [SVN327]

1) Session filter data is stored and reused when you go back to the table. To remove this functionality go to the table's menu link item and select "yes" for the "Clear all filters" option. This will remove all the filters each time someone views the table.

2) For this one i think you need to update from the svn, as the table filters were being applied to the view only page, when it should have been only the pre-filters which were applied.

The post wasnt too long at all, it was very descriptive of the problem and helped me see what was and wasnt going on very quickly

Re: Filter issues [SVN327]

Of course Rob had a fast and right on spot answer to that! ;D Your recommended fix to problem 1 actually fixed both issues since they were related to each other, no need to update from SVN (I'm always up to date anyway ;))

Thanks for that Rob! I spent quite a while trying to see what I did wrong :p Maybe "Clear all filters" should be default? I think that would be the most expected behavior for a link to the same spot... just a thought :)

We thought about making it the default, but this would tend to cause more problems than it solves for the way most people use search filters.

It's really just one of those things that once you know about it, you know when you need to clear the filters and when not to.

Hopefully the new docs will help publicize that feature.

-- hugh
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