Table display inconsistencies

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New Member
Some of my img alt tags are showing and some aren't.

Why would some of them be showing and some not?

Here's my template code, it doesn't look like it's omitting anything or affecting whether or not a field is included in the table display.

$cnt = 0;
echo "<div id=\"profilewrap\">";
foreach($this->rows as $group)
	foreach($group as $row)
		$class = $cnt % 6 == 0 ? 'class="firstDiv"' : 'class="childDiv"';
		if($cnt % 6 == 0)
		   echo "<div class=\"clearme\" style=\"margin-bottom: 5px;\"></div>";
		echo "<div $class>";
		echo "<div class=\"thmTop\"></div>";
		$int = 1;
		foreach($this->headings as $heading=>$label)
			if($label !== 'Picture 1:' && $label !=='Service Image')
				echo "<div class=\"thmCap\"><table class=\"table_$int\"><tr><td>".$row->$heading."</td></tr></table></div>";
					echo "<div class=\"thmImg\">".$row->$heading."</div>";
		echo "<div class=\"thmBot\"></div>";
		echo "</div>";
echo "<div class=\"clearme\"></div>";
echo "</div>";
In ff3, I see 14 records and when i set the layout to default I see 14 records as well. Have you fixed this issue?

the issue isn't with how many records are showing, it's that some of them show data for the Service Image field and some don't...

Notice how some of them say Service Image and some don't?
As far as I can tell, this is because only one of the records seems to have an actual image uploaded for it?

-- hugh
I guess we're not seeing the same thing.

I'll just count the string length and omit it if it's under 65.
If I go to the URL you gave above, and add &layout=default, I see one row with an image, and several rows with the words "Service Image". Viewing the table on the backend yields the same results.

I suggest you go in with phpMyAdmin and strip those "Service Image" texts out of the image column. They probably got in there during testing, with an incorrect default image name or some such.

-- hugh
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