Table not found Joomfish problem


New Member
Table not found


I have a proble with my form not displaying when the Spanish language is selected. I have just upgraded to the latest Fabrik as per Robs instructions and although it has fixed one problem my language problem remains.

The pages in question are here-


I am running-

PHP built On: Linux infong 2.4 #1 SMP Wed Sep 26 00:19:50 CEST 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
Database Version: 5.0.45-log
PHP Version: 4.4.8
Web Server: Apache/1.3.34 Ben-SSL/1.55
WebServer to PHP interface: cgi
Joomla! Version: Joomla! 1.0.15 Stable [ Daytime ] 22 February 2008 23:00 UTC
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/

Table not showing in Spanish


I am not sure if my lasy post was misleading and seemed I had a joomfish problem, when in fact I am not sure, I was just trying to explain the situation.

Was wondering if someone could help me with this.

Apologies, your post dropped off the radar.

Just to cover the obvious issue first ... are you sure the Fabrik table itself is published? Check in your backend Fabrik admin page for that table.

-- hugh

Yeah, I checked and all the tables and forms etc are published. It works in French and English, just not Spanish, I tested Fabrik the other day on a test site and it worked great. I am uising the same host, Joomla, everything, as far as I can tell, yet it wont work this time. When I did the test i checked the output at every step and had to undo what I did a lot of the time, but got it to work ok in the end. Not sure this time.

I'm afraid I can't really help much. I'm not a Joomfish guy. Like most Brits, I just expect the rest of the world to speak English. If they don't I just speak VERY ... LOUDLY ... AND ... SLOWLY ... :D

-- hugh
OK, where do I go for help here then? It doens?t seem a Joomfish problem if Joomfish works ok for everything else? Joomfish would say it is a Fabrik problem!

Why is it just Spanish that doesn?t work?

If I knew, I'd have told ya.

Rob is Mr Joomfish, I'm just waiting for him to show up online so I can point him at this thread.

-- hugh
Cant pay Fabrik money

I dont know if it is the form doesn?t work, or I?m being misled on the site but I can?t pay Fabrik money and I want to. Honestly, I have tried to pay, I go to the subscription page-

Press the paypal button and get a registration form. I try to fill it in but it says my name and password are already taken, which they have been as they are mine. I don?t want to create a new profile and am pretty sure I shouldn?t have to but, can?t find the way in to pay.

Can you point me in the right direction please,

I think if you go to the Subscription link, on the right you'll see your user menu. Go to "My Subscription", and it should give you the option to upgrade.

-- hugh

I wonder if Rob might have looked at this? If he could offer any help that would be great coz I can?t figure it out :-(
joomfish and fabrik


I have a proble with my form displaying in english language when the Spanish language is selected. I have just upgraded to the latest Fabrik as per Robs instructions and although it has fixed one problem my language problem remains.

Anand kumar verma