TypeError: opt.params is null

After updating to the latest github update today I am now receiving the above JS error when I go into my radiobutton element.

This prevents me from being able to do anything else to the elements as because it is a Js error it breaks everything else on the edit abilities of the elements.

Can anyone offer a solution to this please?

Regards, Mark.


  • 16-02-2013 17-07-53.jpg
    16-02-2013 17-07-53.jpg
    97.9 KB · Views: 134
I really needed to get this sorted - so this was my work around....

I created a new element with a similar name with all the set-up correct for a radiobutton (the same as the original radio button setup).

I then copied the existing database element entries into the new field - I had hundreds of records so I really had to do this with a little but of SQL.

I then unpublished the old element, and trashed it, and then deleted it from the trash (removing the old column name from the database).

I then renamed the new element to the old elements original name.

Job done!

I would say though that this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened to me... I don't know why it happens when I do a github update... any further ideas how I can avoid this happening in the future would be very very welcome!

Regards, Mark.
hi Mark - not sure why that js error was occuring - it doesn't for mine.
Anyway - its always advisable to backup your site before doing any changes - that way you know anything is always reversable - akbackup is a good solution for this type of thing
Also having a dev and live site mean you can test changes without everyone seeing them

Yes, of course I have backups to go back. But if I was wanting to move forward and get the latest GitHub fixes, the last couple of times I've done this I've experienced this type of issue - and as a consequence had to recreate elements to fix the issue.

I was hoping you might have some insight on some alternate remedial action I might take should this recur on my next GitHub update?

Regards, Mark.
I've never seen that JS error before, on my site or anyone elses, so there must be something specific to your site.

As for githubs in general ... remember that github is the "bleeding edge" code, where we commit all code changes. Being human, sometimes we screw up. Classic example, on Fri evening we managed to commit a change which caused all empty lists to error out instead of displaying an empty list! And although it obviously got noticed and fixed very quickly, some folk had heart palpitations when their sites suddenly started pitching the dreaded '500 error'. So as Rob says, we strongly recommend you use something like Akeeba, to maintain a 'sandbox' copy of your site, and test github updates before applying them to a live site.

But when it comes to JS errors in the backend which aren't showing up on anyone else's site, the only thing we can do is log in to your site and debug it by hand. Usually these site-specific things come down to some other 3rd party plugin doing something it shouldn't. Or, for instance, yesterday I tracked an issue with backend weirdness down to a "mass quantity, dirt cheap" shared hosting provider restricting concurrent database connections to 2, so our AJAX calls during loading of element admin pages were failing, and pitching seemingly unrelated JS errors on load.

-- hugh
Hugh - thanks. I will let you know if/when it happens again. I appreciate that github is the bleeding edge, but if I want the fixes I don't really have much of a choice eh? Yes, I always use akeeba for backups and I do have a staging environment. Sometimes though you just have to try and fix the issue in order to be able to move forward...

I don't think there's anything unique about my environment, I have a massive dedicated server with oodles of capacity too.

But, thanks to all you guys, I will let you know if it happens again...

Regards, Mark.
Yup, github is kind of unavoidable if you run in to bug fixes you need. And to be honest, Fabrik is such a huge project, it's always going to be a "work in progress", where we gradually resolve issues and add new features, bed new features in, etc. What we try and do is every few months, pause on adding new features, get it as solid as we can, and put out a ZIP as a kind of "check point", so folk who don't feel comfortable with github have a "known" "solid" release to work with.

Anyway ... like I said, this isn't an error I've ever seen before, so it has to be something specific to your site / install / data.

So just find me on Skype if it happens again, and we'll have a look.

-- hugh