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Unable to connect to the Database: This driver is unsupported in PHP 7, please use the MySQLi or ...


New Member
Hi there,

I'm hoping someone out there can point me in the right direction.

I have been using Joomla for many years, so am fairly comfortable with applying updates etc. I recently updated to 3.7, and applied the patches to make sure it all works ok.

I have never used Fabrik before & figured I could make good use of it. Having reviewed the various blogs etc, I downloaded & installed Fabrik v 3.6.

When I tried to access Components->Fabrik, I got an error (see database error above). I understood that 3.6 was ok with Joomla 3.7 & php 7 (actually 7.0.12), so was somewhat surprised.

Any suggestions?


I switched on Joomla debug mode & Fabrik started to work ok. I switch OFF Joomla debug mode & Fabrik still works ok. Just dont understand that!
With PHP7 Joomla is only showing the MySQLi driver in the configuration, so if you are (re-)saving the configuration it will override the old outdated MySQL setting.

It seems on php7 in the backend Joomla is ignoring if the driver is still MySQL but in the frontend is taking your (outdated) setting, same with Fabrik in the backend.
Yup, not much we can do about this. It's not really a "Fabrik thing", it's just that PHP 7 doesn't have a mysql driver, it only supports mysqli, and when migrating to J! 3.7 and PHP 7, if you have mysql selected as your driver, things go wrong before Fabrik code even gets to have a say.

-- hugh