Update multiple records in list view


Not sure if this is possible but does anyone know how I can do the following:

I have list of students filtered by the course they are doing (course_id).

I want to update all students in that course who attended the course (course_attended) without having to go into each student's record. I'm hoping I can "batch" the students by selecting all the students that did attend in the list view and then update those selected to "attended".

I also want to be able to update the student's status once they have completed the exam (course_status - dropdown) to "Did Not Show", "Resit Required", or "Complete" - by the same method i.e. select all students that passed the exam and change their status to "Complete" etc.

Appreciate any advice on this.
Thanks - update columns seems to be best and easiest solution at moment. Didn't see this before so thanks for pointing it out Troester.
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