update_col it's not working with yesno element

JVR Productions

New Member
hello all.
i have one yes/no element. on the list view i activate the plugin update_col with the following options
allow user selection "No"
On Update:
update done to 1
for some reason on the front end if the task its done = 1 and i press de update button it's change to = 0 BUT if the task it's not done = 0 and i press update do not change to = 1 as request.
(Sorry for my english)
i change 0 to 1, yes, no, and i always get the same result.
Thanks in advance for any help
There seems to be a bug, with Fabrik debug enabled I get
"An error has occurred with a eval'd field - please inform the web-site owner.
Debug: Caught exception on eval in updatecol::_process() : syntax error, unexpected end of file".

As a workaround in the Update "Select" popup check the "Eval" box and in "update to" put
return 1;
Responded on that issue. Assigned it to Rob. I need an assist. It seems to be something in the modal repeat stuff. I can kinda see what's happening, but not entirely sure of the right approach to fixing it.

-- hugh
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