URL advanced filters documentation



Is there any documentation for URL filters, the correct format to use and operators supported?

I use basic URL filtering "x=y" for example but I am now looking at date filtering based on greater than, for example "date_filed>a_date"

documentation with examples would be very helpful, this appears to be a feature that's kept very quiet

Many thanks,

Thank you troester, it was there all along.

I'm struggling to understand the date examples and getting them to work, take:

?tablename___time_date[value][]=-1 week&tablename___time_date[value][]=now&tablename___time_date[condition]=BETWEEN

Can you explain what is happening here? It appears to be setting the field tablename___time_date two values and then a condition.

When I run this with a date field I have it just sets a filter where the date field = today (im guessing due to this: tablename___time_date[value][]=now)

See image as an example:
The string must be URL encoded (no spaces etc., so -1 week must be -1%20week)
Try if this helps.
Hey Troester, thanks again for your reply.

Unfortunately no joy, I get the same result, here is the URL, as you can see the element "tablename___time_date" has bee replaced with my own date element "fab_socialpoints___post_date".


Do you have any suggestions? I believe im following the example to the letter :)
Unfortunately same result.

Would you mind sharing your URL so I can compare it with mine? Also, at the top of the list does it show the filter being applied? (im getting the same as shown in the last image posted)

will show
....WHERE ( `baustelle`.`date_time` BETWEEN '2014-08-26 22:00:00' AND '2015-01-14 22:59:59' )
in debug output ('table:mergeJoinedData get ids' in my case, maybe in 'list GetData:...' if no joined rows)
and the expected rows.
hey troester,

Perfect thank you, this is working now - too be honest im not sure where the issue was, but after checking letter by letter it is working.

Still it shows the filter being applied like the image I have attached to the past post, if my filtered results span mutiple pages when changing to the next page I get 0 results and this filter shown - im guessing its applying that filter incorrectly?

Does paging work for you? When you go to your URL, what filter is displayed on the page?
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