Why won't my form submit?


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If you just installed Fabrik and are having trouble submitting forms because "this form is not published", even though you've checked and all the elements, form and table are published ... your problem is most likely because you have your 'live site' in your Joomla config.php set to something different to the actual URL you are accessing the pages with.

The most common error is to be accessing your site as www.your.domain, but having your live site set to just your.domain ... or the other way round.

Because Fabrik uses $mosConfig_live_site as the base site URL for form submissions, if you accessed the form with a different site name, the end result is that your session cookie is no longer valid, because it is for a different URL to the one being accessed.

Fabrik will then refuse to submit the form, as a defense against cross site scripting attacks (XSS).

The easiest fix is just to change your Joomla config.pph live site URL to match whatever you are accessing the site with.

-- hugh
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