Will Fabrik handle this project?


New Member
I'm trying to find the best way to attack a project, and whether Fabrik would be well suited for it? Regardless, I will be signing up for the support later today, as this project looks great from what I'm reading about it.

I need a way for a user to fill out a form that creates entries in a database that includes name of document, author, owner of the document, date published, etc, along with a large list of optional check boxes (characteristics) that could get assigned to a given document that is being submitted. So, out of 20 possible choices, a given document might fall under 5 of them, for instance.

Once submitted, I then need a way to search against those entries, based on another form that gets filled out, to return those documents & information associated with those documents that meet those criteria. Displayed on the Joomla front end. Sorted alphabetically. Preferably by % relevant?

Is this possible with Fabrik? Would the paid support provide information I would need to do this?

Any input would be greatly appreciated,

What version of Joomla?

Yes, Fabrik could do what you need, except the %relevant sorting.

If you are running J! 1.5.x, you'll have to run Fabrik 2.0 Beta, as 1.0.x doesn't work on J! 1.5. And no, there isn't really any 'extras' for 2.0 yet. But by subscribing, you do get priority support from us. A quick skim thru the various forums should show you the level of support you can expect.

If you are running J! 1.0.x, and hence Fabrik 1.0.x, there's a complete manual for subscribers. This is actually still worth a read even if you are running 2.0, as a lot of the concepts are features are the same ... 2.0 just has a lot more goodies.

-- hugh
Very impressive response in the forums, and thanks for the quick reply. I'm using Joomla 1.5.7, so I'm using the latest SVN for Fabrik 2.0b beta right now. I'm waiting on out IT dept to pay for the support, as soon as that goes through...

I was able to create a Group successfully, but when trying to create a new form (as soon as I click the button for "New"), I get the following 2 error messages:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\wamp\www\connect15\components\com_fabrik\models\pluginmanager.php on line 213

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\wamp\www\connect15\components\com_fabrik\models\pluginmanager.php on line 231

At this point, I then can't Save, Apply or Cancel, as those buttons are now dead...

The only way out of it, is to go back to the administrator URL and reload. I've tried numerous times to no avail...

Any thoughts on what is causing this?

Reading the forums that I can get to, I see others with similar erros, but not the same, and no one mentioning they get blocked out???

So far, I'm digging your app, just having some issues using it!

Oooops. Yes, I can confirm a problem creating a new form, must have crept into the major changes around rev 600 or so.

Am trying to get hold of Rob now, but he may not show up again till tomorrow morning (he's in France, about 6 hours ahead of me).

If you are gungho to get going right now, you can request a specific revision using your SVN client. You could try 'downgrading' to rev# 599 or earlier, which shouldn't have this problem.

-- hugh
Thanks again for the quick reply.

I will try downgrading for now to continue learning it, will then upgrade again in the next few days or so?

Thanks again!

Since you are just playing around right now, perhaps start by adding a new table, then Fabrik will create the form, groups, and elements for you, at which point you can go in and edit each, to include the form.

The error fires when you click new form, but doesn't when you create a table, which will create the form for you. :)
Sorry to bring this up again, but I'm still having the not saving issue on the create NEW Form page. I no longer get the errors as before, that's now fixed. Whether I enter any data on the page or not, none of the main admin buttons work; Save, Apply and Cancel are all dead? Then have to go the URL and return to administrator there.

I will try terp's suggestion of creating a Table first, to keep playing around. As well as bugging IT again to get our subscription paid today, as it's well worth it. Looking forward to checking out the other tutorials for 1.0.

Just wanted to let you know.

Using Joomla 1.5.7 / SVN build 616 right now.



I created the Table first, and it did create the new Form automatically as suggested. However, going into that form to then edit it, I have the same issue with the Form not Saving / Applying or being able to Cancel?

Hmmm, sounds like it could be a javascript issue. Try using FireFox with FireBug installed and enabled, and see if it indicates any errors when you load the Form backend page).

-- hugh
First off, we did just paid the subscription (well worth it, thank you) as "Karlsberger", we sent a separate email as we can't seem to log in with that account yet?

BACK ON TOPIC, I tested with Firebug and here is the error that I received when trying to click "Cancel" button from within the New Form page:

WPro.editors.receipt_message is undefined
submitbutton("cancel")index.php (line 47)
onclick(click clientX=1216, clientY=136)txuybIQa...Rrw%3D%3D (line 3)
[Break on this error] background: url(../administrator/compon...mcomment/jomcomment-icon.png) no-repeat;

The URL sits at http://localhost/connect15/administrator/index.php#

Going back to http://localhost/connect15/administrator takes me back to get out of it.

Any thoughts?

You need to login one time on the Joomla side of the site to trigger the account sync to vBulletin. But I went ahead and sync'ed up the accounts by hand, so you should now be able to login on the forums.

Looks like the problem is because you are using the WPro editor. The only editor we really guarantee to be compatible with is the built-in TinyMCE. Typically we suggest setting up an account for doing Fabrik admin with, which is set to use TinyMCE as the editor.

Let me know if this solves the problem or not.

-- hugh
First off, we did just paid the subscription (well worth it, thank you) as "Karlsberger"

Karlsberger? After the 'Bier?' I've probably got 200-300 'racks' (large, plastic racks with .5 liter bottles) under my belt and the waistline to prove it. ;)

[edit] Are you sure it's not saving? A few SVNs ago, something did creap in where it seemed to lag for me when I tried to save/apply changes...click it...seemed to hang for a good 5 seconds, but would fire eventually...not as 'snappy' as it was.
Very nice!

Thanks again on both fronts, TinyMCE took care of it. Back to business!

Ahhh, I like good beer myself, we're an architecture firm, founded in 1928 by Louis Karlsberger. Our specialty is healthcare; Joomla comes into the mix as an intranet site. Fabrik is going to allow us to create and maintain our research library (well over 1,500 docs to be listed)!

I'm blown away by the support guys, really.

Thanks again,
...takes about 8 minutes to pour one of these from the tap in the bar, and it holds its head for longer. ;)

As for the support, both Rob and Hugh are truly amazing...could just put the component out there like some and troll the forums once a week to provide as little support as is required to keep the troops from getting restless. (no offense to Phil) :) lol


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