Working with Artio JoomSEF

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New Member

I've done a search on the forum, but don't see this problem.

I'm using the latest SVN of Fabrik 1.0.x with Joomla 1.0.15. I'm trying to get JoomSEF 2.2.7 to work.

I've told it to skip handling com_fabrik.

But, I get this error:

f->encrypt( $input ); if (PEAR::isError($input)) { echo $input->message;exit; } } $aHiddenFields .= "\n"; } } } } /** *class used to store element template variables * @since */ class elementTmpl{ var $id = ''; var $int = ''; var $label = ''; var $error = ''; var $divclass = ''; var $hovertext = ''; var $element = null; var $value = ''; var $hidden = false; } ?>>limitstart." } );"; if( !$this->_oTable->_isMambot ){ $script .= " });"; } $script .=" "; addHeadTag( $script ); } } ?>
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 311296 bytes) in /home/tolsdeve/public_html/fwc/administrator/components/com_fabrik/language/english.php on line 400


Thanks for any help.
Is that page a Fabrik component page (which it shouldn't be if you're ignoring Fabrik), or is there a Fabrik module or mambot on it?

There's no way we are chewing up that memory. We've never run across anyone who genuinely needs more than 64MB.

-- hugh
Strange. Looking at that code fragment above, it's a mixture of both the form and table view.html.php. Either JoomSEF is screwing something up, or your latest SVN upload is corrupt.

Can you try re-uploading the latest SVN? Make sure you do the 'export' step, so you aren't uploading thousands of SVN meta-data files. We've seen that cause problems with some ftp clients before, resulting in corruption.

-- hugh
Is that page a Fabrik component page (which it shouldn't be if you're ignoring Fabrik), or is there a Fabrik module or mambot on it?

There's no way we are chewing up that memory. We've never run across anyone who genuinely needs more than 64MB.

-- hugh

It's a mambot.
Ok, that script error is gone.

The fatal error is still there though. (Memory allowance)

I'm checking with my server guys to see if they reverted it back to a smaller number.

E: It's still at 100M
Did you reload the SVN? Or did that script error just disappear?

It looks like the memory problem is occuring on that page before Joomla tries to load Fabrik. I really don't think it's us causing it.

-- hugh
Ya, I reloaded the SVN.

I had them double check the memory allowance again (obviously when the script says the allowance is 8M, it's not really set at 100M despite what phpinfo() says).

Alas, it was reset back to 8M.

Still can't get the JoomSEF to work though. It's a POS IMO. Your app is one of the easiest and most usable apps I've seen for Joomla though.

Can't say that I'd ever use it if I didn't have to though. I'm not a fan of using Joomla.

Have you checked System Info in Joomla? That's the best place to get the Gospel Truth on how that particular instance of php is configured.

OK, closing this one. Feel free to re-open it if you need to.

-- hugh
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