Conditional 'Submission message' and 'Jump page' sections in redirect plugin?

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In 'redirect' plugin, can I put the condition in Jump page section? Something like the following which obviously is not working.


Also in 'redirect' plugin, can I put the condition in 'Submission message'section? I want to have different messages for guest and registered users.

//echo '<pre>' . var_export($your_elem_val, true) . '</pre>';
    return true;//run redirect
    return false; //not run redirect
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Oh..Now I get it. I was not asking for the code that I should use for condition.
But I do get it now. I can use the same plugin multiple times and depending upon some value I can choose to run that plugin or not. I can have multiple redirect plugins and the condition can decide which one of them will run.
Thanks. Its clear now.
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