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Edit only one row in list


New Member
sorry i?m a Fabrik Newie.
I have a list based on two joined tables from my database.
When i edit or show one row i can only edit or show all joined entries which belong to this entry. So for one row it shows me eg 3 entries.
But i like to edit, show, delete always only one row from this list.

Sorry my Englisch is not perfect.. I hope anyone can help me??
Thank you for the answer :)
But unfortunately this is not the solution :(
With this settings i have nearly the same effect (only other layout)

I have Table1 and Table2 eg one Entry in Table1 and three Entries in Table2. I joined this tables.
Now i get three rows:
Entry Table1 - Entry1 Table2
Entry Table1 - Entry2 Table2
Entry Table1 - Entry3 Table2

When I edit or show one row I only can edit all three Entries from Table2 (when "Repeatable" is set to yes), but i like to edit and show every Row seperat.
When "Repeatable" is set to no it makes no difference which row i klick to edit, i only get the information of one row. (eg. I click Entry Table1 - Entry2 Table2 i can only edit the row Entry Table1 - Entry1 Table2)

How can I edit each line individually ??
Go to Table 1 list setting , set link to list Table 2 to Yes under Related data setting at Data tab on your right panel ...

Now on you Table 1 list view .. you will see on your far right a new column , Table 2 Table .
Thank you mr_snappyz. I already tried that. But thats not what i want.
And i can only link to list when i had a database join element. Or did I do something wrong?

Actually i have only one list in fabrik. The two tables (Table1 and Table2) are my database tables from my external database.
In my Fabrik List this tables are joined.

I like to have one list in which i can edit every row individully.

How can i do that?
Not sure how this would be set up to do what you are asking. You would need to have a unique row in table 2 for each table 1 entry. If table 2 has 3 entries for each table 1 row, how would Fabrik know which one to edit?

Perhaps you could describe your setup in more detail.