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    See the details here

Form With Repeatable Subform (With Repeatable Subform)



I am developing an order entry system. I currently have 3 forms: Customers, Orders and Products.

When accessing the Customer List, I want to add orders and orders add products. That is:
- Customers form, not repeatable as there will be one for each customer;
- Orders Subform, repeatable customers may have multiple orders;
- Sub-Subform Products, repeatable as orders can have multiple products;

The idea is to access the customer form and create a new order, and in each order can add products.

How can I solve this situation?

Sorry but, no, you can't have nested repeatable groups. So, no repeatable group (products) inside a repeatable group (orders).

Why not do it like every other shop system does it:
- List "customers"
- List "products"
- List "orders" incl FK customer_id
- List "products_ordered" incl FKs product_id and order_id

Hi lousyfool, thank you in advance for the answer!
This project is a bit specific, so see if you could get out of the standard order management idea.

Returning to this idea, but slightly altering the operation.
- Customers form, not repeatable as there will be one for each customer;
- Orders Subform, repeatable customers may have multiple orders;
- In the order subform, have a button to open a form (popup) and enter the items of each order;

- We created the customer record;
- We enter customer orders (customer may have multiple orders);
- For each order placed, have a button (identical to a list) to open the subform of articles of the order in popup;
- Insert articles in the order subform (popup);

Is this form of registration/operation possible?