Image parameters



I'm still working on the leaderboard and am wondering if the image upload can be configured to show a small thumbnail on the Leaderboard and the original size image on the Member's Bio.

If that's possible can I get help with how to code that?

if you have the thumbnail options turned on in the fileupload element and have display->show media in list set to yes then the thumb will be shown in the list.
You then set the 'show media in form' to "cropped then thumb then full sized"

Thanks Rob.

I get a thumb in the list which is the right size for my layout, but when I click on a members name and go to the member bio, the image is actually smaller than it is in the list. I want the member bio image to be the original size if possible or no larger than 400 x 400. Remember we created a template for the bio? Would I have to somehow code the image size there?

sorry, the option should be :

'show media in form' = "full sized"

However you have set your full sized max image to be 100 x 100 so your large images are the same as your thumb images (I'm looking at the skater image - index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=element&layout=edit&id=14) - you would need to set:

max width = 400
max height = 400

to enable larger main images.
Unfortunately as the images have been resampled down to 100 x 100 any existing images are not going to be displayable at that size. You could set the width/height in the template css but the image is going to be pixelated due to it being extrapolated from the 100 x 100 px image.

If I delete the images currently showing and then update the members with the original images again after resetting the height and width, would the thumb show in the list and the larger image show in the details if I use the 'show media in form' = "full sized"?

The element you commented about is already showing "full sized" but the images are small. Is that because of the 100 x 100 size in the element?

I did change the element to 400 x 400 but it didn't make any changes on the list.

OK. I'm playing around with the width and height. I changed them to max 200. If you take a look at: you will see a large image for Luke Madden near the bottom of the page. I want that image to be about 100 x 100 or 80 x 80. When you click on Luke's name and go to his bio, the image is a little smaller than the first one, but I can live with that size for now.

How do I make the thumbnail on the leader board and the larger one on the bio? Currently I have both elements set to 200 x 200 because when I was changing them, I couldn't get any larger than the other images on the list.

Both images are pointing to the same source (which is an image 179x200).
So it looks as if you didn't enable thumbs or didn't define a thumbs directory or prefix or suffix or didn't set media in form to full size.

You have to set max width to the width you want to show in your form/details view and thumbnail width to the one for list view.

Changing any of this settings won't effect images already uploaded.

An additional possibility is to define the image size as custom css in your list and form template (but enlarging a small picture via css won't look good).
Thanks Troester. I currently have the images set to full size in the form.

I just took another look at the form element and noticed the "Make a thumbnail of the uploaded image" was set to NO. I'll configure this and try the image upload again. On the form I already have the images set to full size.

I did see

I'm still having problems getting the images to show properly.

I've enabled thumbs, defined a thumbs directory, and set a prefix and set media in form to full size. I have the settings as you instructed and the large image is still showing in the list. I checked the thumbs directory and no thumbnail image is created.

Any further help is greatly appreciated.

Looks like that element is still set to thumbs "No".


And remember, once you do set that to Yes and specify a thumb dir, you'll need to re-upload any existing images, to force a build of the thumbnail.

Any particular reason why you have a zillion copies of everything?

-- hugh
I went ahead and set your thumbs directory, and tested uploading an image for "Ben Curtis". It works as advertized.

You'll notice the existing images you did have no longer work as thumbs, because there are no thumbs for them. So you'll need to re-upload them.

Just to make it clear, the thumbnails are ONLY generated when you upload the file. So once a file is uploaded, if you change the thumb details, or the diensions of either thumb or full size, you have to upload them again to get the new images.

-- hugh

Did you change the image parameters? I looked at it and it does say Yes to thumbs and has the correct directory. I also noticed an image for Ben Curtis which I didn't put in there.

Also, when I not try to change anything on the Member Bio Group skater_image and save it I am getting an error that says I'm not allowed to make changes because I am not the user who checked out the element. Any idea why that would happen?

As to why I have a zillion of everything - I posted on the forum how to make a list using the same elements from a different form and was told to copy the form/list. When I copied it I got all the elements duplicated for the copy as well as for the original. As I created more copies for different lists, I got more duplicated files. Is there a better way to do that?

Read my previous post. I ended up changing your settings, and testing your form.

I may have left myself logged in and not closed the element out. That's a standard J! backend problem, when you have two different users editing things. If one (in this case me) closes a window without closing the settings out, it stays locked. You'll have to do a "Global Checkin", under the System menu.

I didn't see your thread about copying the list. It really depends what you are trying to achieve. Quite often, you can do what you need by just filtering a single list. But either way works.

If you can dig up the thread you are referring to, so I can read what your requirements are, I can give you an opinion.

-- hugh

Thanks for the help. I missed the first sentence of the post where you said you set the thumbs directory and about Ben Curtis' image. Sorry about that. I did a global check in as you recommended and it seems to have solved my problem.

A while back you and I were trying to connect with SKYPE to show me how to create a field on one form that shows up on another as checkbox selections. Can you still help with that? If so, please let me know when you are available so I can get together with you via SKYPE.

I'll find the post on the list too.

I believe you have me as a Skype contact, if not, send a contact request to 'cheesegrits'. I'm typically around from about midday, till 3am or 4am, CST (GMT-6).

Or, as a Pro user, you should see the Live Chat button, I'm usually logged in to that as well.

-- hugh

I'll try to catch you tomorrow. I need to get my thoughts together so we can make the most of it. I believe I do have a Skype contact for you but am still new to Skype.

