Search Box

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New Member
Just a quick question while I try to get to grips with what looks like it could prove an absolutely ideal program - well done!
I want to provide a simple table of basic information and have uploaded sample data from a csv file - that's fine. Only, when I am in table view looking at the information, above which I have added a drop down list of surnames which appear in the searchbox, when I select any one of them the page doesn't refresh and filter the results. If I select a different number of results from the dropdown list below the table - the page then refreshes and filters the results. It also filters if I select the name from the drop down search list and then click on a sortable column.
How do I enable a drop down menu so that just by selecting a name the table displays the desired results?
hi Michael

Can I check that you have set your tables' "Filter Trigger" to "On change" - this should mean that as soon as the drop down filter is selected the table should filter itself.
If this is the case could you post a page that we can look at to see if there isnt a javascript error that is causing this.

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