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Slider element - how does it work?

Please help me to understand the slider element.
For the first time I have tried to use this element as I find it graphically nice and very user-friendly.
So I set up five steps.

As I have set the slider to "Max no. of steps = 5" so I would expext the slider to move in steps but it slides smoothly without any steps :/
Okay then.
I place the slider in between the steps 2 and 3.
As in my image i place it very close to option 3, but the stored result is 2.
I then try to change "Max no. of steps" to 50 and expect I then would get a decimal value like 2,9 ?
But I still get 2.
How is this suposed to work as a slider and not a radiobutton element?
What am I doing wrong?

All comments appreciated, Thanks!

Bonus question: Is there a double slider available for minimum / maximum like on most booking sites?
(Slide in from left - slide in from right)
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Slider values are integer.
The labels are only text, distributed evenly, there's no realation to the value (which is always integer).

Bonus question: no
(I think the slider element is not very sophisticated)

To have the value displayed in your form edit plugins\fabrik_element\slider\layouts\fabrik-element-slider-form.php
change classes in line 38 to
class="slider_output badge bg-info"

(Bootstrap5 not longer has 'badge-info')
I apologize that I do not have the skills to fully understand your answer.
I accept the constraint as I know that an integer is a number without decimals.
But I can't understand the design of a slider in e.g. 5 steps without steps?
When you place your slider at 2.99 you get 2 and not 3?
Then it's not a slider, but a radio button.
Either your slider moves in steps, or it registers in decimals whether you are closest to - two or three.
Otherwise, it simply makes no sense :/
It's as it is: just integers, no rounding
Default step is 100, and yes, dependig on what you want it doesn't make much sense to use e.g. 5 steps.

As I said, not a very sophisticated element.
Feel free to add a smart one;)
"Feel free to add a smart one;)"
Sorry i can't - I'm not a programmer but an old software architect :)
I would like a real slider AND a double slider to go: left/right for minimum/maximum as on hotel bookings, flight times, stay-over and more :)
Maybe Fabrikar 5 :)