clear filter is not work

please reply me ...
my problem is very simple but i can't find solution.
please help me.
thank you...
The line of the error message doesn't match the the current Joomla3.6 version of libraries\legacy\view\legacy.php

Are you sure Joomla3.6 did update correctly?
i have not problem in update joomla process.
i don't take error when update from joomla 3.5 to 3.6.
after update joomla and fabrik, "clear filter" buttom is work correctlly,but i dont know what happen.
if you want you can remove any element or anychange or any update you need.
finally i find the cause of the problem but how to resolve that?
cause of my problem: When i enable this:
Global config>seo setting>Search Engine Friendly URLs (enable)
the "clear filter" button redirect to
but when i disable Search Engine Friendly URLs, clear filter button redirect to :
How can i use Joomla default seo setting and Fabrik together?
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I had the same problem on same (Joomla/Fabrik) versions (3.6.5/3.5.1):

On clear filter button click in Google Maps Visualization, the page is reloaded but still filtered...

I had modified components\com_fabrik\models\visualization.php line 377
and replaced $router->setVar('resetfilters', 0); by $router->setVar('resetfilters', 1);

Now clear filter function works

Best Regards
I still can't replicate this, with or without SEF enabled.

Here's an example of it working with SEF ...

I'd love to fix it, but I can't fix things if I can't replicate them.

Can you suggest anything I may have set up differently on my list / viz?

-- hugh
And that's weird. because the resetfilters query string is checked before that line you changed in the viz model is run, in the list filter model.

Line 133 in ./component/com_fabrik/models/listfilter.php

        if (
            !$input->get('incfilters', 0)
            && ($input->get('filterclear') == 1 || FabrikWorker::getMenuOrRequestVar('resetfilters', 0, false, 'request') == 1)
            && $this->activeTable())

Do you have a menu item for your viz, or are you just accessing it directly with a URL?

-- hugh
Yes I access to the GM viz with a menu item.
I tried the option menu "reset filter", and when i click on it it works and clean filters.

I'll check listfilter.php next week with debug to compare values between the list and viz clean filter function.
Yeah, I'm using a menu item, with "reset filters" set to both yes and no, and it works OK. The "reset filters" menu option only applies when you click on that menu item, so it knows to reset them when the view is first opened. The "clear filters" button is a separate mechanism.

Do you have any other Fabrik "things" on the same page, like in a module?

-- hugh
No other Fabrik things, just the Viz...

But I found something:
When i click on reset filter button on Viz page, just before reloading page, i've got a javascript error :
plugins is undefined in listfilter.js's clearPlugins() function

In fabrik debug mode in media/com_fabrik/js/listfilter.js line 193
there is var plugins = this.getList().plugins;

->in viz "this.getList().plugins" is undefined
->whereas in list view "this.getList().plugins" is an empty array

Edit: I tried to add php plugin in list.
The php plugin appears on list page.
On viz page, the js error disappeared on click but clean filter function still doesn't work.

I'll continue next days
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