Groups Integrations - Mailchimp Form Plugin

I have another client that is going to be in need of a complete MailChimp integration. We're going to setup a questionnaire on his site and based on this input we want to send out tailor-made campaigns. I'm working $50 into the quote specifically for contributing to getting this plugin sorted out as per discussion above.

Hugh, I know you're on holiday, but is there any way you could advise as to some sort of time frame?
Oki. Any chance you might share with me how you did that? :(

I'm a bit concerned about that notification in MailChimp lately about the Double Optin. Hope it does not break what we currently have.
Oki. Any chance you might share with me how you did that? :(

I'm a bit concerned about that notification in MailChimp lately about the Double Optin. Hope it does not break what we currently have.

Hi JackGoa!

What I did was simple! I edited the files fields.xml and mailchimp.php, and put the following code:

fields.xml - add field to plugin (configuration area)
<field description="PLG_FORM_MAILCHIMP_ESTADO" label="PLG_FORM_MAILCHIMP_ESTADO_ESTADO" name="mailchimp_estado" repeat="true" type="listfields"/>
*estado = Name of the field you want to synchronize

mailchimp.php - treat the value received by the field
if ($params->get('mailchimp_estado', '') !== '')
$EstadoKey = $formModel->getElement($params->get('mailchimp_estado'), true)->getFullName();
$estado = $formModel->formDataWithTableName[$EstadoKey];
$opts['ESTADO'] = $estado; //Field Name in MailChimp
$opts['NAME'] .= ' ' . $estado;

NOTE: We must also create the field in the MailChimp list, and identify the name that we gave in this field on the line: $opts['ESTADO']

If you need any more help tell :)

What's the deal that talks about Double Optin?
Thanks @tiagovareta I'll give that a bash. It's a bit of a hack though... you would need to overwrite that file with each update.

I would be really great to have a complete integration with the MailChimp API so that if a user updates their info on my site, then it also updates their info in MailChimp, or vice versa.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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