How do I add a list in the group Intro / Outro?

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Hi all.
I'm interested in adding a list in a list. I thought I saw a forum item where this is possible via the intro or outro sections in groups; but I can't find it in the forum. Can anyone steer me in a direction with this?
Thanks in advance.
I think a Fabrik list or form won't do in a form's group intro/outro because this would create nested form tags.
Troester is correct. You can use a {fabrik ...} plugin in a form or list intro or outro, but not in the group intro or outro. This is because the group intro/outro is within the <form ...> </form> tags for the form, and list's have form tags wrapped around them - that's how we post the filters and actions. And HTML doesn't let you nest forms.

-- hugh
Can you give me an example for displaying a list with ID 1 and filtered to display records with the element called "status" with the text "Approved"?
Thanks in advance.
Have you checked the filtering section in the wiki?

This should do it.

{fabrik view=list id=1  yourtable___status=Approved]

You may need to add a resetfilters=1 in there as well.

-- hugh
Thank you, Cheesegrits. It works; but it only works in the intro or outro if I'm viewing a detail of a record in read only view. When I choose to edit the record, instead, then the list in the intro or outro is gone. Is there anyway to see the list in the intro or outro while editing the record?
Thanks in advance.
No, that's what Hugh and I have said: you can't use it in a form because this would create nested <form tags.

The only way I can imagine is to create a custom list template without <form tag - which should be possible if you ONLY want to display records (without any action like navigation, grouping, filtering...) and define this in the content string, too
{fabrik view=list id=1 yourtable___status=Approved layout=mytemplate-without-form}
Hi Troester.
So, I created a custom template and within the default.php file, with the new templatewithoutform folder, I removed the following lines:
<form class="fabrikForm form-search" action="<?php echo $this->table->action;?>" method="post" id="<?php echo $this->formid;?>" name="fabrikList">

I also updated my footer text within my form settings with the following:
{fabrik view=list id=3 layout=templatewithoutform}

I then went to my frontend and tested logged out and, as before, the list displays within the read only form details. Then I logged in and selected to edit the form details and the list was gone, again.
Does it sound like I'm doing this correctly? If so; any other suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Did you enable "Process Joomla plugin-ins" = Details & form in form settings (Options)?
One last thing; I'm interested in the list within the detail form having a common id with the record of the detailed form. Any suggestions on how to do that?
Thank in advance.
Not sure what you mean. Do you mean having the same primary key? Or have an FK (foreign key) on the other list, which contains the PK of the list the form is on?

-- hugh
Hi Hugh.
I meant: have an FK (foreign key) on the other list, which contains the PK of the list the form is on (like a one-to-many relationship).
Any suggestions on how to do this?
Thanks in advance.
Thank you, Troester. I suspected that may be what was needed; but is there another line of code to put before this to get the rowid of the form record? Or, does [rowid] actually do this?
Thanks in advance.
Literally [rowid]

Please keep in mind that this "list with custom template in group intro" is an untested feature.
No idea if it may create issues in popup forms, validations... (especially if JS/ajax is used).
So if you get any issue please mention this special setup.
Hello All.
I'm wondering if a list can (like the above) can actually be displayed within 1 of the tabs of the form / details (instead of above or below it). Is that possible?
Thanks in advance.
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