How to get different element sets for a list and for a form.


Certified try and error specialist

I'm starting to feel frustrated and stupid trying to understand what is wrong with me and Fabrik.

I would like to do a super simple thing and can not get to it.

I have a table in my db with 30 fields. i use to store race results in it. In this table I have 6 fields related to the competitor information and then I have 24 columns related to the results.
I would like to have one form pointing to this table that shows only the 6 fields related to the competitor information as a kind of profile form.
And then a list showing all the attributes.
The problem that gives me a big trouble for the moment is that if I put the element to show on the list they will show on the form as well and vice versa.
So is there any kind of magic to show only the attributes on the form only and then all the attributes on the list?

I would be so thank full I you could help me out of this black hole.

To show/hide an element in list view set element's "List view settings" "Show in list" (can also be toggled in the element listing).
To show/hide an element in form/details view set element's "Hide" option (not available for all element types).

To show/hide elements depending on the logged in user set element's "Access" settings.

E.g. only admin should see an element containing an email in list view:
set List view setting/show in list=yes (otherwise the element won't be displayed in list view at all)
+ set "Access" List view=special

only admin should be able to edit this element in form view:
This way a registerd user or guest would see a readonly email in form view.
If the email should not be visible at all to non-admins set Access/Details view=special, too.

See also the tooltips in element settings and

For to handle multiple elements see also
Another option is to set up two different copies of the list/form.

It sounds like this may be the way to go, as I'm assuming you must need a verison of the form that shows the results, otherwise you wouldn't be able to fill them in. Unless those are getting set elsewhere, outside of Fabrik (like you are importing the data from elsewhere).

So what you could do is copy the list, from the main List admin tab (select thelist, hit the copy button). This will create an entirely new set of List / Form / Group(s) / Elements, which can be seperately configured. Both copies still sit on the same database table, it just lets you have a different "view" of it, for different purposes. One might be the "public" view, another might be an "admin" view, where different things are shown / hidden in form and list.

-- hugh
Hi, this is exactly what I did. I have 2 lists and forms one used for data input / show and the other one for personal info input and show.
One more question concerning the form, I have for the list an internalid called id and I also store the user id as a databasejoin element.
Actually the user id should be the key but if I set the id of the list from internalid to databasejoin user id it does not work anymore as fabrik does not recognize it anymore as the key. What would recommend to do in order to avoid this issue?
I was thinking about putting autoincrement to no and then setup the id in the db internally , any other suggestions?
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