Linking to related tables

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New Member

I saw a post that may be similar to this, but the poster's explanation seemed a little foggy to me.

I have two tables, Projects and Types of Service (TOS). In the Projects' form, there's a select menu that pulls TOS from the TOS table.

I want to be able to display all the TOS on a page with each item linking to another page that lists all the Projects that have that TOS assigned to them.

What's the easiest way to accomplish this?

there's definitely something odd with the installation, as you get a whole load of code printed out on each page (both admin and front end)

I see what you mean about the double listing of the "view" link etc, probably best if you can PM me an FTP account so I can upload files and fix this for you

got your pm - working on these issues for you now - I'll report here when I have some news

Hey Rob,

Do you have a general ballpark area of a timeframe? I'm not trying to be pushy or anything, just curious so I can tell my superiors.

Thanks again for all your help.
Hey Rob,

Could I please get a status update? I'm being hounded :)

Just anything really so I have something to tell.

Thanks again!
Rob is on vacation till Monday.

If you want to PM me the details I'll take a look tomorrow some time.

-- hugh
No, that means despite having to run the forums single handedly for the last couple of weeks (in addition to working my day job), I've spent about an hour looking at this, so far with no success.

If you want to IM me tomorrow (I'm slam dunked busy today), and explain some of the changes made to the site since I first looked, and be available to answer questions, we can take a look at it together.

-- hugh

I'm online from 9am to 5pm EST, if that's good for you.

Though, I haven't made any changes to the site since Rob first asked for FTP details.
It just doesn't seem to mesh with the description in this thread, which I came into late.

But having you on IM will shorten the process considerably - we can do the back and forth in 5 mins, rather than days on the forum.

Thanks for the donation, BTW.

-- hugh
LOL! Never mind. It's the thought that counts.

I prefer Skype, BTW. MSN is second choice ... Yahoo is a very distant third.

-- hugh
Hey Hugh,

Get with me on IM when you have a minute. I enabled RokBox and the scroll navigation on the project form page isn't functioning.

Are these two still conflicting or have you not uploaded the new code?

Let me know,
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