Radius Search List Plugin for Joomla 3.1?

Hello All,

Working on a project now that definitely needs a function like the radius search list plugin that was available for Joomla 1.5. Will something like that happen for Joomla 3.x?

Would love to know!
Hello Rackem,

Good to hear back from you so quickly, I am trying to read up on how to update on GitHub, but am getting more and more confused. Do I have to download the entire package and reinstall or just the folder for the plugin? I see the download zip button only if I am looking at the general fabrik folder
And, I don't see a purge cache icon in 'discover' section of extension manager.... I have Joomla 3.1.
I tried to "refresh cache" in the manager, and then click discover again I still don't get anything.
You will want to download the full folder. Make sure you download the Joomla3 branch if you are using Fabrik 3.1!

When you upload the contents to your site, it will update ALL the Fabrik files which is important because of inter-dependencies between files. Then just discover and install through Joomla to get all the extra plugins (there are many). Publish the ones you want and check out the new features.

After updating from GitHub, it is always a good idea to clear Joomla and browser cache to make sure any new JS files are loaded.
I just tried installing from directory, tried to have it install out of a folder with all other folders, except I'm getting this message:


JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file


Path does not have a valid package.
I am using wamp, do I just put it in the root Joomla folder still? theres nothing fabrik related to overwrite in the Joomla root folder....or how do you overwrite in windows?
Assuming you are using Fabrik 3.1, download the Joomla3 branch from GitHub and unzip the files.

For some reason there is some unnecessary folder structure in the files. So just copy/paste the administrator, components, libraries, media, modules, and plugins folders (the other files at this level won't hurt anything but are not needed) into your site's root folder. The Joomla file structure already contains these items so the new files will overwrite the old ones.

Note I needed to edit my original post cause I forgot a folder!
ok, so I extracted and put the only the folders in wamp/www/ , then i followed through on the purge cache/on all fabrik applications in Extension Manager. I went to Update, clicked "find updates" and nothing comes up. no versions change in listed fabrik extension parts either (it's at 3.1rc1) . I'm not supposed to put the folders in wamp/www/Joomla right?

I made sure the zip i downloaded from Github is Fabrik for 2.5/3.1.
Hi, rackem,

I also clicked "discover" multiple times, never got anything out of clicking it....There is no "purge cache" button in the "discover" tab so I only click every "purge cache" I can find in joomla, but nothing appears to be checkable for install in "discover" tab.
Perhaps they are already installed then? Go to the Manage tab and see if you have any unpublished Fabrik items
Hi Rackem,

I already looked at both Manage and Plugin lists, everything is published, i triple checked to make sure. : ( I wish there was an easier way to do this...
oh yeah....how did i not think of that x.x anyways I will go find the plugin folder and stick it in and see what happens.
So I went ahead and took the radius_search folder out of plugins, put that folder in another 'radius_search' folder and stuck it in joomla/plugins/fabrik_list folder, hit discover, and voila! I have installed it...we'll see if it works correctly : )