Join tables problem


Hi everybody,

First of all congratulations to the guys working so hard to improve Fabrik. This is a really powerful software and I have noticed great improvements with respect to previous versions.

Now, I have the following problem (Joomla 3.3.3, Fabrik 3.2) . I am trying to create a slideshow to include it in an article and I have followed the instructions given by cheesegrits in the following thread: but the join tables does not seem to work properly. I will try to explain in more detail what I have done and what the problem is.

1. I have created a big (main) list.
2. I have created a new list to join to the first one and I have set a fileupload element for the images.
2. Then, in the main list settings I have created a left join between the id elements of the two tables.
3. In the automatically created new group I have set "repeatable" to yes.
4. In "visualization", I have created a slideshow with the image element from the image table.

You can ignore the last step as the problem occurs before it. What I mean? When I open in the back end the details view that I have for the main table, I see the fileupload element inserted. I open an image file, I click on start upload the progress bar grows to the end and everything looks fine until I look for the uploaded file and see that there is no such file. There isn?t even the directory I have specified for the images to be saved in. I guess, there is some setting I am forgetting but I can?t find it. See e.g. where I have supposedly inserted an image at the end of the form (Where the label "Imagenes_element" is. As you can see, there is no such image. It is not in the directory it is supposed to be either. So, why isn?t it uploaded?

I will be extremely grateful if someone can help me to solve this issue.

I have created a left join between the id elements of the two tables.
You can't join two id elements (two primary keys).
One element has to be the primary key of one table, the other element must be a foreign key in the 2nd table pointing to the PK of the first one.
Dear Troester, thank you very much for your indication. Unfortunately, after having read again the instructions in and trying everything I could think of, I still can't get the fileupload element to load images in the image table.

I have created a databasejoin element in the image table and have tried to point it to the primary key of the main table, while in the main table I have created a join from the main table's id to said databasejoin element in the image table. See captions bellow:



In the databasejoin element ("Data" tab) one is supposed to select between "dropdown", radio list", "autocomplete", check-box and multiselect dropdown, none of which has to do with my goal. Which option should I select? I don't really understand how this should work.

Could you please give me a step by step indications about what I should do in order to get the fileupload element loading files into the image table? I will be extremely grateful for any help letting me sort out this bottleneck.
Thanks, Calmdevil. So, as far as I understand you suggest you have the same problem. I am not sure though, I have correctly configured the list join. I really hope some of the programmers sees that thread at some moment and gives me some solution.
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