Has to be documented.
For basic settings see
Calendar visualization
Setting additional Fullcalendar options
For Fullcalendar
Options see
You can set addtional
Options and/or override Fabrik's default settings in [
Add the week number to the title in week view
{"views":{"week":{"titleFormat":"DD.MMM YYYY, [Week] WW"} }}
"titleFormat" uses moments.js formatting. Include any text (like 'Week' in the example) surrounded by []
Instead of setting the date format with DD, MM etc you can also use the 'locale' formats, e.g.
{"titleFormat":"LLL, [Week] WW"}
Set title left and today/prev/next buttons right
Reduce month view height
{"header":{"left":"title","center":"","right":"today prev,next"}, "height":"auto"}